Happy Diwali to All
May this Diwali give you -
* Independence of Java
* Power of Unix
* Popularity of Windows
* Extensibility of J2EE
* Luxury of .Net
* Efficiency of C
* Ease of VB
* Robustness of Oracle
* Vision of UML
* Simplicity of HTML
* Style of Mac
* Dexterity of Photoshop
* Enormity of 3D Max
* Vastness of Internet
* Compactness of JPG
* Richness of BMP
* Coverage as Yahoo
* Reach of Google
* Prudence of Froogle
* Security of Norton & McAfee
* Intelligence of Unreal
* Realism of Max Payne
* Speed of NFS
* Fun of RoadRash
* Intelligence of Chessmaster
* Impression of Quake3
And the goodness of all software that comes for free...
source : One of forwarded mails.....