Monday, July 23, 2012

Separate Telangana - A Political Need

Being from Telangana Region, I am not able to understand the need of separate state. Things have changed a lot from Prof. JayaShankar's time. There were two reasons for separate state at that time
1) Jobs in Telangana region should be filled by people in Telangana - Addressed by 610 GO
2) People here are treated as second grade citizens. Here, we can read People in Politics. Politicians say, only 2 Yrs were ruled by CM from this region. If politicians in this regions are failed to get confidence of majority of MLAs and they think, the only way to get a chance to be CM is by dividing state into two. This is the main reason, people are disinterested in separation, they want their problems to be solved, getting basic facilities like water, electricity.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

let me share some facts on the 1 st pint which u started the issue is addressed by 610 G.O

his order issued by the Government of Andhra Pradesh in December 1985 and required to be implemented by March 1986 is yet to be implemented. It has created a situation similar to the one created 34 years ago by G.O.36 of January 1969. If one recalls as to what had happened then, it should not be difficult to visualise as to what would happen now. The G.O. 610 will not be implemented - it is as simple as that.